As part of our vision, we’ve gathered and organised resources for media members and partners to help access, understand, and share information about our work. On this page you also find contact details and photos.
Project Access is happy to assist journalists with all Project Access related press questions and questions related to equality in education.
Liam Garrett | Global Director of Outreach
CEO - Ingrid Sundvor
General Inquiries for the public
Our Twitter news feed
RT @hamiltonhall: Columbia is extending our test-optional policy for two years, effective for first-year and transfer applicants to C…
RT @OxOutreach: Wondering what an online interview will be like? Check out our demonstration interview videos at…
RT @CaiusCollege: Online @Cambridge_Uni interviews - what are they like? Hear from four of our first-year students at Caius as they…
RT @OxOutreach: We know being interviewed can seem intimidating - particularly if you've not done anything like this before - but i…

All photos are offered under a creative commons license and are free to use with proper attribution — “photo credit to Project Access International”. We also distribute higher resolution pictures on request.
Press Kit
If you are a member of the media, please feel free to download our press kit.