All things PA Summer Bootcamps!
2024 Project Access Summer Bootcamps are HERE!!!
If YOU are a high school student preparing to apply to top universities, our Bootcamps gear you up for it. Happening in Denmark, Germany, Austria, and (three!) in Finland , here’s a glimpse of all things PA Summer Bootcamps!
Why should you get involved?
Workshops, talks, and interactive preps for your studies abroad
Application support and guidance
Financing education support
Mock interviews
Group discussions
Social activities
… and a potential P-A-R-T-Y!
Plus, you’ll be met by a talented, amazing team of students who’ve all been in the same shoes as you and are there to help you fulfil your dreams!
With Germany holding its PA Summer Bootcamp over this weekend (20-21 July), let’s see what the others coming up will look like.
PA Denmark Bootcamp
What does the programme look like?
The Project Access Denmark (PADK) Bootcamp is an annual Bootcamp, which usually takes place in August. The Bootcamp is a helpful two-day all-inclusive stay in Copenhagen. The program for the PADK includes financing workshops, essay writing assistance and feedback, mock interviews, and info about tests, admission requirements, and application deadlines. Additionally, there are social activities throughout the days and in the evenings so you’ll get to meet new people who share the same interests and ambitions as you!
When is it? Where is it?
This year, the Bootcamp is on the 27th - 28th of July at Gorrissen Federspiel in the heart of Copenhagen.
What are the other highlights?
Every participant is encouraged to send in a draft of their personal statement/common app essay which we will review before the Bootcamp and share our feedback for each participant. In addition, there will be workshops diving into essay writing for you to nail your essays, and timeslots set aside for a little essay writing or Q&A.
Our financing workshops include information about the cost of attendance at universities in different regions (US, UK, EU), how you might finance them, and how to write scholarship applications.
On day 2, an essential part of the Bootcamp - the mock interviews - will be held. We invite PA alumni to host interviews and pair up with any participant depending on their top university choice. For example, if your top choice is Yale, you will be paired with a PA alumnus attending Yale or another Ivy League university, the same for Cambridge, etc.
Between these important key events, we will host talks regarding student life at various universities, studies in the EU and other less costly alternatives to US or UK universities, and a panel concerning careers after studying abroad hosted by our lovely PA alumni.
PA Finland Bootcamp
What does the programme look like?
The objective of the programs of our three Bootcamps in Finland is to inspire and help high school students to study abroad. We have invited speakers to inform us about the various opportunities abroad. More specifically, we have workshops for the EU, UK, and US universities and more general keynote speeches.
When is it? Where is it?
We have our main Bootcamp on 23-24 August, in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, at our sponsor's office in the centrum at Hannes Snellman.
This will be followed by two Mini Bootcamps across Finland in two cities on 29 and 31 August, in Tampere and Jyväskylä, one held in a high school and the other in a privately rented space.
What are the other highlights?
We will also host the 5-Year Anniversary Party at the end of the Bootcamp to celebrate our 5th Bootcamp!
We hope to see you there :)
The PA Bootcamps Team <3